Sunday, August 10, 2014


Chicago has become one of my favorite places on earth within the past year. Last summer my family had a vacation to California planned, unfortunately my little sister got pretty sick so we never got on our flight from Minneapolis. On the way home we stayed in Chicago. The plan was originally to stay one night, then she started feeling better so we kept staying another night and then another night. I went to Chicago a couple months later in the fall of last year for a class trip. Loved it each time. I don't know what it is about Chicago that is so addicting. 

Okay actually I kind of definitely do. Running there is AMAZING. You can run downtown and you can run along Lake Michigan with tons of other runners in the morning. You can see water, huge buildings, the Navy Pier, and artsy parks all in one visit. So, this summer I was telling my friends that I really wanted to go to Chicago all together this summer. I'm really good at coming up with fun ideas and really not so good at actually making them happen. Lucky for me, I have a couple friends who are GREAT at planning things like this (Kelli and Luke pictured above). They are the most travely people I know. Kelli is spending this fall semester AT SEA. (kind of like the suite life on deck) She's going to like a million different countries. 
So, they found some lovely bus tickets for us to leave super early Tuesday morning from Ohio and arrive by mid-morning in Chicago. We took a bus back to Dayton at the end of the day and got home on Wednesday morning. It was SO MUCH FUN.

The first stop once we arrived was Starbucks. I swear SWEAR that I could walk around downtown Chicago all day long with a latte in my hand and probably never go inside anywhere. (However I would be okay with going inside the store too-details.) Something about walking with all the people rushing to get places, and past the huge buildings and stores is M A G I C A L.

Alayna, friends since fifth grade!

Cool friends.

these statue things were everywhere so of course some posing took place

Jamie and Chelsae

Sooooo many cool buildings. 

She can have fun anywhere!

Next stop: Millennium Park!

get it? get it?

Beauty all around!

I just loveee that a river runs pretty much right through the city! 

We walked to Navy Pier. Pretty sure most of our feet started hurting before lunch. Not. Good.

My first ferris wheel ride!!

Lots of walking. 

Then it was time for some lunch. I looked on Yelp for the closest places that were under the ONE $ category. I have never been a big fan of spending money on food. You can't wear food. You eat it then it's gone and so is your money. 

Anways, we found a little Mexican place that was pretty good and had good prices!

I think it was called Flaco's Tacos?? Maybe? I don't know. Whatever it was my two Spanish-speaking friends thought it was pretty funny. 

We went to Anthropology. Love, love love. I finally bought the famous mug with my initial on it. 

Coolest City.

We went to lots of other stores too. Madewell, Free people, urban outfitters, etc.
And Sprinkles!! I guess it's a well-known cupcake place in Chicago? It was cute. I didn't get any, I don't know why, maybe because of mentioned food-spending issue. But my friends did, and we sat on the very-clean sidewalks of downtown Chicago while they ate!

Should have bought.

I can't take it. Everything is perfect!

So. We tried to go to this rooftop restaurant on like the 27th floor of a building. We got up there and were maybe like two or three years too young/way underdressed and feeling very out of place. We left there in a hurry. It was nice while it lasted. 

It was fate because on the way to Restaurant Plan B… we. saw. NICK FROM THE BACHELORETTE!


Okay, okay, so the secrets out. I watch the Bachelorette. Don't lie, you do too. It was pretty exciting and he was eating outside facing a Chicago street so he was pretty much asking for this right? 

Don't mind Chelsae's face in this picture. hahahahahahahahaha.

We went here instead for dinner. I don't really have much to say about it because I ordered a caesar salad. 


It was such a great trip! So much fun spending time with my friends in the city that I love. After this picture I was frantically looking for a restroom and then nervously waited in the bus station (where there was rumored to have been homeless people showering in the bathroom sink) for our ride home, while eating candy from seven eleven. All part of the experience. 

Thankful for friends with better planning skills than me. And, inspired to stop talking about things I want to do and places and want to see, and start doing and GOING. 

                      Love haley

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